Capturing Love Amidst the Scottish Highlands: Shreya & Vishal’s Pre-Wedding Shoot

Scotland had always been on our bucket list, and it’s not hard to see why. The landscapes are simply awe-inspiring, offering wide-open spaces that make for beautiful backdrops in any photograph. When Ankita and I heard that Shreya had fond memories of visiting Scotland as a child, we knew we had to make it the setting for her and Vishal’s pre-wedding shoot. The idea of reliving those memories while creating new ones with Vishal made it the perfect choice. When we pitched the idea to them, they were beyond excited! And thus began this very interesting journey through the Scottish highlands! But first, let's take a deep breath and admire this gorgeous couple standing against this gorgeous backdrop of Tantallon castle (This cliff-top castle was headquarters for the notorious 'Red Douglas' family. Their commanding coastal fortress was a place of business and banquets, battle and bloodshed. Whoops!) We seized the rare sunlight scene and made the most of it, capturing every moment until it faded away...

London-born Shreya and Vishal were set to tie the knot in Gujarat, India, with a big gathering of friends and family. But before the celebration, they wanted a quiet escape, a chance to enjoy some intimate moments together, surrounded by nature’s beauty. Scotland offered just that—serenity, breathtaking landscapes, and a touch of adventure.

Planning this shoot was an adventure in itself. Scotland isn’t a typical destination for pre-wedding shoots, mainly because it’s not the easiest place to get around. You really need a car to explore, and even then, it’s a challenge to fit in all the beautiful locations within a short time. We decided to stay and shoot for five days, giving us enough time to explore and capture the best of what Scotland had to offer. The weather was the biggest challenge! It rained most of the time we were there and it was chilly and windy! Kudos to Shreya & Vishal whose enthusiasm and love for photographs warmed us all!

We flew into Edinburgh. Vijay, Shreya's dad's driver picked up in a 7-seater car that would be our ride for the next few days. We had just wrapped up a wedding shoot in Cyprus, so we were already in the zone, ready to dive into this new adventure. Scroll down all the way for the rare BTS (We managed to capture a few frames of us beind the scenes, the place was so picturesque that it would be a crime not to capture this!)

Our first stop was Aberfeldy, Kenmore, the moment the sun came out, the team went around the region looking for other awe-inspiring backdrops, and the Scottish Highlands did not disappoint. There was a serene lake right next door where we encountered swans and the shutterbug in us could not wait any longer for the shoot to begin! We stayed at a stunning villa in the Scottish Highlands, where Shreya even cooked us homemade meals! She called us from the store to ask about our preferences (I mean talk about a warm, caring person) . When we arrived, the food was laid out beautifully on the table, complete with flowers and glowing candles (and wine). The kitchen was stocked with all the essentials, and we were truly taken care of. It was a small gesture, but it made a big difference, turning our work trip into a warm, memorable experience.

The first morning we walked around the landscape, of course the first stop was the lake! Then we got into the car and started driving around. We had to stop almost every 5 minutes because we were able to spot a unique frame every five minutes! We even spotted orange sheep (which we later figured were orange so that they could be spotted easily against the vast green landscape by the farm owners from a distance!) with whom we shot! The fall colours and the brown tall grass was also beautiful beyond words! Well you can see them in the photographs. One of the reasons why we love photographs, makes the entire scene a lot more tangible!

We continued our journey through Glencoe via Glenfinnan, a route that took us past rugged hills, shimmering lochs, and dense forests. The landscape here is so diverse, offering a mix of history, nature, and scenic beauty. One of our stops was at Loch Shiel, where we were hoping to catch a glimpse of the Jacobite Steam Train, famously known as the Hogwarts Express. Unfortunately, the train wasn’t running that day, but the scenery more than made up for it. You can see in. the behind the scenes photos how the cloud cover shifted for just a second and bathed the entire valley with the warmest glow! We are definitely going to visit this place again to spot the Hogwarts express and imagine Harry hanging from the door while Ron flew the Ford Angelia right above it!

Shooting in such a location comes with its own set of challenges. The unpredictable weather was one of them. October in Scotland can be cold and windy, especially in exposed areas like Tantallon Castle, where the wind seemed determined to freeze our fingers. We had to make sure Shreya and Vishal were dressed warmly so they could truly enjoy the experience. When the rare sunlight broke through, we shot like crazy to make the most of it!

The following day brought heavy rain and winds strong enough to ground our drone. But we didn’t let that stop us. We had to use the car heater to beat the bitter chill. We even got photographs near a cascading waterfall—a place Shreya had visited as a child. It was like coming full circle for her.

Things we love about traveling for shoots is the chance to explore new places and meet new people. Scotland is a place where you don’t always know where your next shoot location will be. Sometimes, you have to park your car and walk for a bit to find that perfect spot. But that’s all part of the adventure. We made it a point to talk to locals and get their recommendations. Scotland places minimal restrictions on photography, so we had the freedom to shoot wherever we wanted, which was a huge plus.

On our last day we came across a castle with beautiful architecture on the other side of the cliff. The interiors of the castle were a work in progress and it was giving us 'Downton Abbey' feels! We met the caretaker who was there and as soon as he heard we are wedding photographers gave us quite a warm welcome! After capturing a few shots using the castle as a backdrop, we were ready to leave when the owner invited us in. He gave us a detailed tour of the castle, explaining how wonderful it was for a destination wedding. He insisted we take a couple of photographs inside and even publish them. Although we were late for our flights, we couldn’t refuse the proposal!

In the end, despite the challenges, the shoot went incredibly well. We faced our fair share of surprises, but that’s part of the fun when you’re shooting in a place as unpredictable and beautiful as Scotland. Shreya and Vishal were the most fun couple to shoot with. They trusted us to capture their love in a way that was true to them. We had a great time capturing their wedding as well but that's a story for another time!

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